At Cbusr, we believe you can never have enough friends. Real ones - not the "yea, I follow them... but we've never actually met in person" variety. That's why this platform was built - to help you find and connect with interesting people in real world Columbus.
Our goal is to provide two ways for you to meet someone new. First, our redesigned website is built to make it easier to find people you share common interests with. Once you’ve identified someone you’d like to meet, you can use our secure messaging system to say “hello”.
If you’d rather meet new people in a social setting, Cbusr is here to make that happen too. We've doubled down on real life connections by hosting 2 meetups per month - one designed to foster new social connections, the other to help you build out your professional network. These events will take place at fun venues, usually with a few drinks as part of the deal and we’ll make it easy to meet new people.
The best part is that you control your experience on Cbusr. So, go ahead, fill out your own interests (from your profile page) and meet someone new today.
- The Cbusr team
It's always good to hear from members of our community, the press and others interested in learning more about opportunities to work with us (sponsorship, partnerships, events, etc.). Keep in mind, we are a small team but we'll try our best to respond in a timely manner. If you have a question about how the site works, make sure you double-check our FAQ before you email us at [email protected]